next stop ...

a continuous communication of the adventures of one young lady on her way to ... well, her next stop.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Here you can see Meg and I celebrating the post-lunch-warmth with Sister Admi (L) and Auntie Lydia (R). These are two women of Mercy if ever I met them. Sister Admi has served Guyana for several decades in many capacities: as a teacher, tutor, hospital administrator, community director and bringing communion to the sick. She has been an invaluable source of care and support to the volunteers in Guyana, always checking in with us and helping people like me work through community finances, 101. Auntie Lydia is not a sister, but lives at the convent and might as well be one as far as I can tell. She is the spunkiest 80-somthing you're ever likely to meet. She's "a little bit diabetic", and struggles with sight, but that doesn't slow her down. She works in the dietary department of the hospital three days a week and takes communion to the sick on those days as well. She works weekends and holidays to give other people a break. I want to show Mercy like these ladies when I'm in my 80s.


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