next stop ...

a continuous communication of the adventures of one young lady on her way to ... well, her next stop.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


My new community members have arrived, so please join me in welcoming Meg Uplinger and Gavin Murphy to 50 Pere St., top flat!

We just moved in together last weekend, and immediately went on dead-roach-detail, which proved bountiful, as you will see in the picture. Other adventures include chaperoning the boys from the orphanage at a family fair at the Presbytery the day after Gavin and Meg arrived (what stamina!), a community jog on the seawall, a joint effort to drain two five-gallon water bottles in five days, singing songs in what might be spanish, LOUDLY, and enjoying Guyanese cuisine. We even got a new puppy (in the picture). We're open to suggestions for names. More soon, as we're still taking care of some of the "business" of living together ... say a prayer for continued peace in the wake of elections. Things have gone wonderfully so far.


  • At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there! I just wanted you to know that I have been occasionally and silently reading some of your "blogs" (sounds like some wretched animal that eats only gravy and fat drippings and has weird tusks that curl upward past its eyes with cloven hooves etc.)since you started to see how things have been going for you. It certainly is awesome to say that I know someone out there who's doing what they think really, actually matters on such a worldly stage(because it really does matter, even though your powers are somewhat less than the san andreas as you expected). I also like to look at the pictures to see you and what you're doing (tee-hee). But I thought I'd actually leave a message, even though I don't know whether you like messages on this "blog thing" or not. The reason is because I was very inspired by the section titled cosmic coincidence. In most of the other sections, I read them and say "that's pretty cool!" But this section is very insightful and inspirational to anyone who consistently tries to mentally justify their life decisions and find reasons for the way they spend their lives. Which suits me to perfection. When surrounded by many people in Arizona who lack the ability to self-evaluate, those who DO feel like they're on a deserted island of complacency and confusion (said: "what the hell is going on here?). That is until they are inspired to recognize the impact they have on the lives of others and their own through their everyday actions. So thanks for bringing me closer to home and continuing to be an inspiration to me even though you're a billion and 1/2 miles away. I do, and always will enjoy the thought of you.
    jeff hudson

  • At 5:43 PM, Blogger kathleen adele said…

    JEFF!! great to hear from you! PLEASE drop me an email ( and tell me how on earth you got to arizona and if you've done much hiking there yet. i did the other year in sedona, the red rock country and it just about made me stay in a canyon for the rest of my life.

    hope to hear from you more often!


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