next stop ...

a continuous communication of the adventures of one young lady on her way to ... well, her next stop.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

update & O.O.C.

Well, here it is, July already, and I feel as if half of my summer is spent. As of tomorrow, I will be slightly out of commission until late July. I am leaving Maine to visit my relatives in Michigan and say hello/goodbye next week. I really only have two other free weeks this summer, so this seems to be the best time for it. After my *rock-star* tour of the midwest, I'll be headed straight from Chicago to Maryknoll, NY, where I'll spend the following three weeks at an intensive cross-cultural orientation program. I am very excited about this, and I'll tell all the K people what the CIP leaves out of their presentations ;o).

This week has been tough, though, with many appointments and much organizing and mild panic attacks as I feel my free hours dwindling, and wonder if everything will get done (I mean, I don't really need to be vaccinated against yellow fever again, right??) and to top it all off, we lost our family dog yesterday. Angie had been with us for 13 years, and was the sweetest, gentlest, most loyal sheltie that ever herded a pickup. She was a tireless fetcher, and was a great friend and slow walking companion to me when I was recovering from mono last fall. It was my first experience watching anything or anyone I love pass from living into death right before my eyes and under my hands, and I'm sure I will never forget it. If there was ever such a thing as dying with quiet dignity, Angie had it down.
Angie-love, love to you, always.


  • At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ah, Kate ... life races on!

    So quick, and you're gone ... but what an adventure! If you continue, if you're wise (which I know you are for your oh so fresh years) the Adventure will continue forever and for always!

    I'm so sorry about your Pup ... I lost mine after 13 years also (even though that was years ago now) -- she grew up with my kids, protected and served and loved, a big bear of a Lab. I had to DECIDE to have her put ... down? to sleep? ... no ... to death. It broke my heart, too. And it took time to recover.

    Yet, even now, thinking of my "Shadow" brings so much of it back to me. It never totally goes away - the memories, feelings, thoughts. Yet, I, for one, DO believe that dogs DO go to Heaven. I just have to believe that they MUST.

    After all, doesn't God have a Saint Bernard?

    con cariƱo y besos,
    siempre ~

  • At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey kate, after reading through your blogs and mostly the one about tarvel matt, you should let me know your mailing address when you know it. cause i have a postcard mailing list that i have been using to keep in touch with friends. now i know you are busy but when you are in maine before you leave let me know, we should get some coffee before you go. later.



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